Can World Peace Happen?


World peace is an ideal that has been pursued throughout history. It’s an aspiration that many people have tried to achieve; some have succeeded, others have failed.


What would World Peace look like?

World peace means different things to different people. For some it means the absence of war and conflict, for others it means a world where everyone is connected and cares about each other. For me it means both of these things and much more. I believe that it can happen when we recognize our interconnectedness as human beings and treat each other with respect and compassion.


How can we support world peace?

We all have a part in creating a more peaceful world. We can start by recognizing how important each other are in this process by treating each other with respect and kindness whenever possible — no matter who they are or where they come from — whether it be someone we know personally or someone we don’t know at all! This could mean something as simple as holding a door open for someone who looks like they’re having a hard time carrying their bags or offering to help someone carry groceries if you see them struggling with theirs as well! The possibilities are endless when we start looking at people differently than what society tells us.


Can World Peace Happen?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. There’s been so much news about war, conflict, and violence – it can seem like it’s everywhere. But I think we need to look beyond that to see how many people are working towards peace every day.

I believe that world peace is possible because I have seen it happen. I have seen people make a conscious choice to dedicate their lives to making the world a better place. And I have seen the results of their efforts.

It is not something that will happen overnight. It is an ongoing process that requires all of us to work together towards a common goal — a goal we all share regardless of our differences in nationality, culture or religion. We cannot expect others to make this journey with us unless we are willing to take the first step ourselves.


But how can we build peace in our life and the world around us? I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass!


Ready to get started on building peace right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘World Peace Meditation’. It will help you to make World Peace the norm, evolve consciousness and raise the frequency of our collected minds in one loving heartbeat – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!



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