Heal Your Inner Child In 3 Easy Steps

Heal Your Inner Child In 3 Easy Steps

Heal Your Inner Child In 3 Easy Steps   Did you know… Your inner child is distressed – they are holding all of the unresolved pain, hurt and fear of your childhood. If I’ve learned one thing from being an emotional therapist over the years, it’s that...
3 Things We Say That Indicate Childhood Trauma

3 Things We Say That Indicate Childhood Trauma

3 Things We Say That Indicate Childhood Trauma   Your inner child is distressed – they are holding all of the unresolved pain, hurt and fear of your childhood but… You might not even be aware of it. In fact, there are 3 things we often say that...
Is YOUR Inner Child Guiding Your Life Choices?

Is YOUR Inner Child Guiding Your Life Choices?

Is YOUR Inner Child Guiding Your Life Choices?   Let’s talk about healing your inner child. If I’ve learned one thing from being an emotional therapist over the years, it’s that the inner child calls the shots – always. (if this is YOUR experience –...
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