5 Signs That You Are A Starseed
Starseeds are advanced souls from other galaxies, star systems and spiritual planes who volunteered to help Earth and it’s inhabitants in the ascension process…
but, you might still be questioning if YOU are a starseed. Fear not, it’s pretty easy to tell for sure. Any one or more of these following signs could indicate your Starseed nature.
5 Signs That You Are A Starseed
- You are going through or have been through a spiritual awakening (often including a dark night of the soul)
- You’re a highly sensitive/ intuitive person
- You feel like an alien or that you don’t belong
- You have a strong sense of mission (even if you don’t know what it is yet)
- You long to ‘go home’ to the stars or somewhere else
If you’re still not quite sure, the one key sign that is the most telling of all is that the thought of being a starseed just feels ‘right’. Trust your inner knowing – it will never guide you wrong! You can also check out our free masterclass to share EVERYTHING you need to know about being a starseed at the link below.
Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Starseed Sync’, will help you to reconnect with your starseed roots, align with your soul mission guided by the ascended energies of the stars & feel at ease on Earth!
>>> You can check it out here.
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