3 Unhelpful Myths About Attaining Peace in Your Life


One of the most important steps toward world peace is to learn is how to be at peace with ourselves.

Peace is something that I have been working on for many years, and while it’s an ongoing process, I’ve discovered that there are some myths about building peace in your life that can actually prevent you from getting there.


Here are three unhelpful myths about building peace:


MYTH #1 – Peace comes from having everything under control.

This myth is based on the idea that if we could just get everything under control and make sure everything was going according to plan then we would feel peaceful. However, this isn’t really how life works because there are too many variables out of our control for us ever to feel fully in control all the time anyway! So when something unexpected happens it’s natural for us to feel upset or anxious instead of peaceful.

The reality is that there will always be things out of our control so it doesn’t make sense to try and get them under control at all costs. Instead, what makes sense is finding ways to deal with life’s uncertainties so that they don’t affect us too much emotionally or throw us entirely off balance when they occur. Interestingly, I’ve found that by letting go of the need to control every part of our lives, often it occurs naturally.


MYTH #2 – Peace comes from within.

While healing and working on yourself are definitely the key to finding your centre, its not always the only contributor to finding serenity. Peace is also a process of building relationships with others – and we can’t control their reactions, opinions or behaviours. And it’s not just about having good relationships either — sometimes it’s also about learning how to manage conflict and uncomfortable emotions like anger, fear, and jealousy. Its in learning to deal with those uncomfortable emotions and situations with others that we create an internal grounding that can maintain peace both within ourselves and in our connections too.


MYTH #3 – Peace is something we have to wait for.

I don’t believe peace is a reward at the end of the road, or a place you’ll arrive at after going through some sort of purification process. It’s something you can experience right now. Even if your life is chaotic and stressful, even if there are many things that need to be repaired in your relationships, even if you’ve been hurt and disappointed by people who’ve let you down — you can still experience peace right now. There are steps you can take to begin ushering more peace into your life and being right now, and we’ll show you how.


Please avoid these mistakes. If you don’t, you’ll live in fear and anxiety in a world that has become filled with conflict and anger. These myths can cause us to fixate on the wrong things, or to miss important aspects of what it means to build peace in our lives. Wouldn’t you prefer to have peace in your life and the world around you? Then don’t miss the masterclass where we share EVERYTHING you need to know!


Want some help with that? Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘World Peace Meditation’, will help you to make World Peace the norm, evolve consciousness and raise the frequency of our collected minds in one loving global heartbeat!



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