3 Steps to Unblocking Your Chakras
It could be happening to you too – it happens to all of us on the awakening journey for sure…
Your main chakras may be blocked, misaligned or even completely closed!!
This means that the awakening energies that are attempting to connect you from root chakra to Source cannot reach their higher spiritual destination, so your ascension will grind to a complete halt and you’ll remain blocked, misaligned and closed off to the enlightened gifts that awakening could bring – wonderful things like higher wisdom, greater perspective, improved psychic and intuitive abilities, 5d experiences, spiritual connection and activating hidden, little known 9th and 12th chakras (the list goes on!). I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE chakra clearning masterclass – you honestly won’t find this covered anywhere else!
During awakening is the perfect time to clear and align your chakras because your soul is already showing you the SYMPTOMS that the blockages are causing through your physical health complaints, emotions and energetic abnormalities. Clearing your chakras NOW, while all of these symptoms are so easy to see, means you’ll clear them for GOOD – plus you’ll know if a shift has occurred when your physical, emotional or energetic health improves!
It’s easy, just follow our special 3 step process!
STEP 1 – Release the CAUSE of the block
Everyone thinks that chakras get blocked by energy, when in truth, chakras most often get blocked by EMOTIONS. Any experience involving stress, trauma, heart break, betrayal, grief etc (whether from this life OR past lives) creates an emotional energy that then blocks the flow of healthy energy in the chakra corresponding to the issue e.g when heart break blocks the heart chakra. If we can release the CAUSE – which is negative emotion – we can clear the chakra, heal the issue and experience full energetic health and balance once more.
STEP 2 – Use energy healing, NOT just intention
Most chakra clearing practices are simply meditations where intention is used to clear the chakras. Often, simply because we are going through awakening, we have so much energetic congestion blocking our chakras that intention is just not enough. We need real energy healing to resolve the serious pain that caused the block in the first place. We need to treat the misalignment on the same level that it exists – which is with energy. Energy must be used to actively clear out and realign, otherwise we can get caught in a cycle of constantly repeating practices that make little to no difference and don’t actively bring us back to energetic balance. As a rule, ALWAYS use energy healing for chakra clearing.
STEP 3 – Maintain the newfound balance with regular clearing and realignment
Once the real work has been done to clear and realign the chakras, it’s important to remember that this is not a ‘set it and forget it’ task. Your chakras WILL get congested again (although if full and proper clearing has been done with effective energy healing, it won’t be as intense again). Your chakras WILL move out of alignment. Now and forevermore, your energy system requires real care and attention – it is your direct line to Source, your higher self and furthering your ascension progress. Caring for it by regularly clearing and re-balancing your chakras is SO worth it! That’s what creates that wonderful secure, collected energy in your life. It’s what makes YOU the bridge between Heaven (crown chakra) and Earth (root chakra). Want more spiritual energies to raise your vibration and ascend more fully – regularly clear and realign your chakras!
But how? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to release the CAUSE of the block, use energy healing, NOT just intention, and maintain the newfound balance with regular clearing and realignment.
Ready to begin right now? Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Chakra Attunement Meditation’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to cleanse, balance & align your chakras & remove energetic blocks!
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