3 Steps To Heal Your Pre-Birth Consciousness (& Boost LOA Power!)
This is vital information that could seriously shift your awakening blocks –
You were energetically and spiritually conscious BEFORE birth…
This means that while you were in utero, your soul was aware of the energy, emotions and mental state of those around you. You spiritually picked up on any conflict, anxiety, rejection or judgement and carried that pain in your tiny heart. You made assumptions about life, the world and who you are that laid the foundations for your entire existence – things like ‘I’m unwanted,’ ‘I’m unimportant,’ ‘I’m unloved’ or ‘I’m unsafe’ become energetic blueprints that govern your lifetime, perpetuating hurt feelings and creating unwanted patterns of living. I haven’t seen this topic covered anywhere yet in spiritual awakening, it is brand new, unreleased content, so don’t miss this awesome FREE pre-birth pain healing masterclass!
I know that you’re tired of the pain that’s always been there – hurt that you can’t remember ever living without. If you want to ascend and raise your consciousness, that old pain can’t come with you (nor would you want it to). You’re at a pivotal juncture in your awakening pathway – will you choose the path you’ve always walked – the one that is familiar but hurts, or, will you make the choice to step into a higher vibration, to walk a less travelled but much more expansive path – one that leads you to wholeness, authenticity, intuition and enlightenment? Two roads. You decide (and we’ll show you how)…
It’s easy, just follow our special 3 step process!
STEP 1 – Access the pre-birth consciousness state
In order to work so deeply on the spiritual subconscious, we must be regressed to the pre-birth state – this can be done while fully alert, simply by using energy healing. Energy healing is the best way to access this suppressed aspect of ourselves because the information from the memories of pre-birth are stored on the SOUL level, which only energy can access.
STEP 2 – Release the pain with energy healing
Use energy healing to release the pain in a gentle yet effective way – no ‘visions’ or memories of the pre-birth state are necessary. Energy healing will cause a release of negative energy, emotion and trauma from the energy body. Sometimes this can bring surges of emotion, insights and clarity as we heal, but often the energy takes care of it in such a gentle way that we do not re-experience anything at all (which is why I consider it perfect for healing a topic that requires true care) and instead, we simply notice a lightness of spirit afterwards.
STEP 3 – Replace the negative energy with a healthy energetic life blueprint (set for positive experiences!)
This is the step that truly makes the difference, yet it is the missing piece I see in most energy healing treatments. The negative energy that is released doesn’t automatically create a positive – it only brings you to balance, which is neither positive or negative. If we really want to repair your energetic life blueprint and change your point of attraction to a much more positive energy vibration, we need to ADD positive energies to your field. When we do, not only will you feel a little brighter than before, but your energy will be SET to naturally draw positive experiences into your life too!
But how? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to access the pre-birth consciousness state, release the pain with energy healing, & replace the negative energy with a healthy energetic life blueprint (automatically set for those positive experiences!)
Ready to begin right now? Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Pre-birth Consciousness Healing’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to heal trauma and emotional pain sustained prior to birth, change your life energy blueprint & raise your emotional vibration!
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