3 Steps To Cutting Energy Cords (to Let Go of Toxic Relationships & Regain Your Personal Power)
Energy cords are draining your spiritual energies!
Past toxic relationships and negative dynamics you’ve experienced with family, previous partners, friends and even co-workers can create unhealthy energetic cords which seriously deplete your energy!
This means that instead of creating a healthy and balanced transfer of energy between the two, it can steal energy away from you, depleting your energy levels and leaving you feeling drained and exhausted (often without knowing why) and entangles you in the negative energy of the past, unable to break free. I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE cutting old energetic cords masterclass – you honestly won’t find this covered anywhere else!
Fortunately, now is the perfect time because spiritual growth and ascension requires us to let go of all of the limiting energies that hold us back – and the past can certainly do that, keeping us trapped in the same old negative energies. If we can let go of all of these draining, disempowering connections from our past, we can transmute the energy of the old and revitalise our spirit, which is then ready and able to raise vibration free of negative limiters.
It’s easy, just follow our special 3 step process!
STEP 1 – Use energy healing to cut all negative energy cords
In order to stop this continual draining, we must cut ALL negative energy cords that are syphoning your precious energy. We use energy healing to do this – energy healing can identify all negative cords and cut them immediately, disconnecting you from any previous unhealthy relationships in all areas of life (don’t worry, the positive, life affirming ones will be left in tact).
STEP 2 – Reclaim stolen energy
Most people cut energy cords and believe the process to be done, but I’ve found through years of working with clients that despite the cord being cut, often each party still holds some fragments of the others energies. If these are not returned to the owner, ultimately, they are still depleted (and the cord may not be entirely cut and cleared) so it is very important that ALL fragments of energy are first cleansed and then returned to their rightful owner – this also ensures that all karma is complete between the two individuals, allowing for a more effective and lasting cord cutting).
STEP 3 – Send compassion
We believe this to be a very important part of cord cutting – after all that negativity, it’s important to infuse the clearing with some positivity – after all, cords are an entirely unconscious connection and anyone who was previously draining your energy will have had no conscious knowledge of it. Compassion energy brings care and understanding for the entire situation, and also brings healthy closure – allowing your soul to recognise the completion of any lessons you were learning with someone and supports the soul in moving on too.
Cord cutting is a very POWERFUL process. It is especially helpful during spiritual awakening when you feel ready to shift into a higher vibration and cutting these alone can assist in raising your energy instantly.
But how? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to cut all negative energy cords, reclaim stolen energy, & send compassion.
Ready to begin right now? Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Compassionate Cord Cutting’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to compassionately cut energetic cords to unhealthy or toxic relationships, reclaim stolen energy and stand in your personal power!
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