3 Steps To Calming Your Awakening Experience With Genetic Wound Healing!


Are you aware of what’s going on in spiritual awakening right now?

Your genetic wounds have been ACTIVATED!

This means that all of your family’s generational baggage, issues and negative traits are going to be surging up in your life (or perhaps already have been) in the form of drama, conflict and problems (this is often the cause of everything suddenly going wrong during awakening). I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE genetic wound healing masterclass – you honestly won’t find this life changing aspect of awakening covered anywhere else! Watch it by signing up below.

Fortunately, we have a short-lived opportunity of accelerated deep soul healing due to the heightened energies right now – which will create smoother awakenings and a calmer life experience. Phew! But more than that, genetic wound healing brings some other excellent shifts…


Benefits of genetic wound healing:

  • Be truly, authentically you without being obligated to ‘be like’ your family
  • Release negative personality traits
  • Less conflict, drama or upset in family interactions
  • Heal trauma in your family line
  • Send healing to your ancestors
  • Stop negative family themes from repeating e.g divorce, abuse, poverty
  • A calmer awakening & life experience
  • Gain generations worth of wisdom by absorbing ALL of your previous family members learning experiences!

You can probably tell that I’m really passionate about it, because it’s absolutely FASCINATING!

But, genetic wounds rising to the surface can cause a LOT of disturbance in our lives. In fact, it is the #1 cause of life drama during awakening – and no wonder. When we take on our family’s issues energetically, it can cause all sorts of problems:

  • Life trauma
  • Negative/ faulty beliefs about life
  • Dysfunctional behavioural patterns
  • Devastating life challenges (e.g divorce, bankruptcy, ill health etc)
  • Unhealthy ways of relating to or treating others
  • Negative personality traits (e.g narcissism, low self esteem, selfishness, denial)
  • Conflict
  • Emotional pain

If we want our awakening to stop creating havoc and drama in our lives, we need to heal the source of the problem – the baggage collected throughout our family’s history. Awakening doesn’t need to be hell. Life doesn’t need to be so chaotic. You CAN heal your genetics (and yourself in the process) and clear the way for all of the ascended joys that awakening can bring!



It’s not as complicated as it sounds, just follow our special 3 step process!

STEP 1 – HEAL YOUR ANCESTORS (release their trauma FIRST)



The key that is always missing in genetic wound healing is healing the ancestors FIRST. You can’t truly get rid of faulty programming without clearing the trauma that caused it. Every unhealthy behavioural pattern and negative character trait that exists in your family was born out of an adaption to something very painful or difficult in their lives. If you really want to heal it – heal THEIR pain first and oftentimes it will AUTOMATICALLY dissipate from your energy and life too.

Then, we need to release that negative energy from YOU – this is what changes YOUR point of attraction and the negative experiences the genetic wounding was drawing into your life – after healing your ancestors first, it releases effortlessly because there is no trauma there to hold it in place!

And finally, we can’t just leave your system with gaps where information once was. Instead, we replace it with an energetic blueprint that TEACHES your system how to function in healthy, positive ways and hey presto, we’re done!

AWESOME SIDE-BENEFIT – This changes the energetic genetics for YOU and you onwards, so any children or grandchildren you have, and any future children or generations too! Soo cool!


I’m sure you’ll be wondering, HOW do we do this 3 step process? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to send healing to your ancestors (on BOTH sides), to release their negative energy from your cells (and therefore your life) and we replace the energy with a much healthier energetic blueprint. Using energy healing in this way means that you can not only heal your energetic genetics and the disruption it’s creating in your life, but you can calm your awakening and finally smooth out the chaos that it can bring too. Relief!

Check out our FREE masterclass ‘How To Heal Your Genetic Wounds, Free Your Spirit & Calm Your Awakening Experience!’ by signing up below.


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