3 Signs You’re New Moon Sensitive


The new moon energy is the perfect time for a life review, fresh start, goal setting and manifesting your desires…

And now is the perfect time – given that the new moon began on the 4th, we’re in a time of seriously high frequency energy – but only for a few more days!

Use it to fuel the success of your goals, the manifestation of your dreams and to clear the pathway for new projects and beginnings. Ready to learn how? I’m sharing all the secrets in our brand new masterclass…

>>> Watch our FREE masterclass here now in time for the new moon!


For spiritually awakened individuals like us, the new moon can be a pretty difficult time If you find that those pesky lunar energies often disrupt your life, energy or wellbeing you could be new moon sensitive (we’re in new moon energy right now, so these signs should be more noticeable than usual). Here are the 3 most common signs (1 or more confirms new moon sensitivity):


SIGN #1 – Exhaustion

The new moon energies are a very high vibration – often much higher in frequency than our systems can hold for long – this means that soon we become exhausted and the density in our energy system rises up to re-ground us.


SIGN #2 – Changes in your mood

The lunar energies cleanse our systems, which means any low vibrational negative emotion within you will be drawn to the surface. This could result in mood swings or unexpected feelings such as anxiety, sadness, irritability etc as these energies are released from your energy body.


SIGN #3 – Feeling restless or overwhelmed

You may find your mind particularly active at this time – it may be difficult to quiet the racing thoughts as realisations attempt to rise to the surface (which can disturb sleep patterns too). Although it can be overwhelming, this is ultimately a good thing – it shows that your soul is reviewing life, working out what no longer serves you and is seeking solutions and preparing to make changes.


We can help with that! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The New Moon Manifestation’, will help you to harness the powerful lunar energies for a refreshing spiritual restart, rapid positive change & the success of your goals!

>>> You can check it out here.



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The New Moon Manifestation

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The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing

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