3 Signs Negative Energy Cords Are Draining Your Energy


Energy cords are draining your spiritual energies!

But, now can be the time when you can have a fresh start – you can cleanse your soul’s energy to be free of unnecessary low vibrational energies and raise your soul’s frequency too – drawing healthier connections into all areas of your life – IF you know how (don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass). We’ve been able to help so many people already, we’d love to help you too!

If you don’t cut old energetic cords, then you’re ultimately choosing to be an energetic doormat – allowing others to wipe their shoes on you, and to drain your energy without your permission. Trust me, no spiritual growth can come of that. In fact, the Universe will know that you are not yet strong enough to reach higher levels of being because you can still be thrown off balance by the influence of others. It’s tough, I know, but cut these cords, regain your energy and personal power and the shift to higher levels will simply flow!

Negative energy cords happen to EVERYONE – but, if you want to move forward in your spiritual growth, it’s necessary to cut anything that siphons your energy and finally stand in your own full power (you can do it!)

But, how do we know if negative energy cords are happening to us? Here are 3 clear signs to help you decide – any one or more of these signs will indicate that they are…


3 Signs Negative Energy Cords Are Draining Your Energy


SIGN #1 – You often feel inexplicably drained, depleted or exhausted

Negative cords continually drain our energy levels and so it’s common for us to feel exhausted or depleted – even when we’ve had plenty of rest and can’t find a reason for it. This is because we are being drained ENERGETICALLY – often we know that something isn’t quite right, but we’re not sure what.


SIGN #2 – You still get upset, hurt or angry when you think about specific situations from your past

Perhaps you still feel surprisingly or seemingly disproportionately emotional when you think about certain times from your past. This is usually because the cords hold all of the negative emotions from that time in place and the other party is able to draw from that (unconsciously of course). Cutting cords puts these memories appropriately in the past where they belong and clears the emotions too.


SIGN #3 – You find yourself often ruminating about people from your past and can’t seem to move on

Do people from your past continually pop up in your thoughts in daily life? It may seem strange, but it’s often because the negative cord between you and that person is very much still active, and as your energy is aware of this, you’ll find them on your mind much more often than they would usually be after so much time has passed. Not to worry – cutting those energy cords will clear their energy from your space entirely (and help reclaim any of yours that they hold too).


Negative energy cords affect spiritually sensitive people intensely, because we KNOW the cord is there – we’re just not always consciously aware of it. It will continue to bother us with the above signs until we take heed of the message our soul is giving to us and clear out that energy for good!

We can help with that! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Compassionate Cord Cutting’, will help you to compassionately cut energetic cords to unhealthy or toxic relationships, reclaim stolen energy and stand in your personal power!

You can check it out here.



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