3 Mistakes In Spiritual Awakening Healing You WON’T Want To Make!
Spiritual awakening has SHOCKED your energy system!
But, now can be the time when you heal from the intensity of it all, finally put yourself together again and start moving forward – IF you begin to heal the damage your spiritual awakening has caused. It’s been helping so many viewers to take the next step – we’d love to assist you with your healing too!
If you don’t heal your spiritual awakening, then your energy system will remain in the same shell-shocked state (which already makes your awakening uncomfortable enough) and worse still, it keeps you in a state of stasis – your energies become ‘jammed’ in a sense – like cogs unable to turn, meaning nothing is functioning properly.
Let’s avoid that by skipping these big mistakes…
MISTAKE #1 – Hoping it will get better by itself
This is the most common mistake I see in spiritual awakening healing, but it’s largely born from not knowing what we CAN do. Unfortunately, awakening damage can leave us kind of shell-shocked and dazed – and it can last a LONG time. In fact, it can be so shocking to your system that it really requires intervention. The good news is that healing can be done quickly and gently (in fact, you can begin healing in around 10 minutes time – more on that in a moment).
MISTAKE #2 – Lack of self care
Spiritual awakening is an earth shattering, life altering event. And after any other experience of this nature, we would require a period of rest, care and recuperation, but oddly we don’t apply this rule to awakening. Instead we expect to bounce back as if something of this magnitude hadn’t affected us at all. But we NEED it (and FYI, proper self care is one of the tests we must pass to progress on our awakening too). If you don’t, you’ll never heal from the initial impact and move further forward on the awakening pathway.
MISTAKE #3 – Not healing chakra damage
It might be unintentional, but the intensity of the high vibrational energies that blast us during awakening can damage our chakras and disrupt our energy systems, which means that afterwards, nothing works the way it should. Often, major chakras can malfunction, throwing our entire energetic equilibrium into disarray (and sometimes making it even worse than before). In order to fully awaken, we need every chakra working at full capacity and every spiritual ability available to us too – we can’t reach enlightenment when we’re still broken or imbalanced. Full healing on every level is the key to real ascension.
Please avoid these mistakes. If you don’t, you’ll still be struggling with awakening (and stuck at the same stage) years from now. Wouldn’t you prefer to begin healing so that you can actively HARNESS the wonderful energies that spiritual awakening can bring?
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