3 Mistakes All Healers Make On Their Life Purpose Pathway


EVERYONE possesses powerful innate healing abilities – it really is true!

Now can be the time when you can awaken your own natural healing abilities and align more fully with your higher self – IF you know how (don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass). We’ve been helping so many people to reclaim their healing abilities – we’d love to help you too!

The thing is, if you don’t embrace your healing abilities, then you’ll always feel a niggling disconnect between you and your higher self because these healing abilities are a natural part of who we are – it is un-natural for us to live with a part of us shut down and ultimately rejected. Spiritual awakening will not tolerate shadow aspects of the self to remain hidden. The pain, fear or trauma surrounding the use of your gifts will ultimately arise at some point – better to heal it now before it gets the chance to play out in your daily life in an attempt to be cleared and resolved.

With that in mind, lets avoid some of the most common mistakes most healers make when stepping in to their life purpose…


MISTAKE #1 – Allowing the fear of judgement, rejection or ridicule to STOP you from fulfilling your healer destiny

I know, it’s easily said but not always so easily done. It’s entirely natural to worry that our friends and family won’t ‘get’ what we’re doing, won’t believe in it, will think we’re mad, or will simply laugh behind our backs – but the truth is that nothing can stop you from fulfilling your healer destiny. And most often, we exaggerate their reactions in our minds because in truth, we’re a little afraid of the power we have. If instead we can stand tall and be brave, we find that we have such a natural LOVE for healing that what other people think is irrelevant and could never hold us back for long.


MISTAKE #2 – Doubting your ability

I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with over the years that began work with me saying ‘I could never do what you do,’ who, after some time excitedly and confidently exclaim, ‘I want to do what you do!’ – and it has NOTHING to do with ability. Absolutely EVERYONE possesses healing ability naturally on the soul level, but too often we hold healing in such high regard that it feels like some sort of special gift only for the chosen few. It’s an innate part of who you are – you just need to learn how to access it!


MISTAKE #3 – Not re-activating shut down healing abilities

I’ve seen it so many times in sessions with clients over the years – we’ve all shut down and suppressed our healing abilities at some point in our lifetimes out of fear to protect ourselves – if we hadn’t, we’d all be born full psychics and natural healers as standard. However, I’ve found that when we work though removing the fears of using our healing ability again, heal any past life trauma and then RE-ACTIVATE the healing abilities using energy healing, it can awaken the gift once more, bringing it to the forefront and ready for use in whichever form we feel drawn to share it through.

Please avoid these mistakes. If you don’t, a part of your will always be missing. Spiritual awakening is designed to bring ALL spiritual gifts and abilities to the forefront once more, but sometimes we need to give our energies a little helping hand…


We can help with that! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Healer’s Awakening’, will help you to heal the wounded healer within, clear past life ‘healer trauma’ & activate your soul’s innate healing abilities!

You can check it out here.



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