3 Aura Cleansing Mistakes To Avoid


Spring cleaning is in full force after the winter months, and you may be thinking about clearing out the physical clutter from your home. But what about your energy body?

In addition to the physical body, all humans have an energetic system. This energetic body is made up of our chakras and aura. The chakras are our energy centres and are responsible for distributing energy to and from the aura. The aura is our electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the physical body, so it’s important to cleanse your negative energy aura regularly.


But before you begin cleansing your aura, you should know what mistakes to avoid.


MISTAKE #1 – Allowing someone else to clear your aura

By allowing someone in your physical proximity to cleanse your aura, you often become vulnerable to becoming even more congested. You must remember that if the other person has an unclear aura themselves, by simply working on you, it can infiltrate yours – making the cleansing ineffective and causing you to absorb their negativity, creating more congestion. When we are around angry or upset people, their negative emotions can seep into our energetic field and affect us in numerous ways.


MISTAKE #2 – Cleansing in the wrong state of mind

Cleansing your aura should be done with a clear mind and heart to better connect with the energies around you. If you are angry, upset or sad, try to relax first by meditating or sitting quietly before beginning your cleansing ritual. You may find that your mood has improved enough for you to release the negative energies from your body. It also helps to cleanse when you can do it uninterrupted so that you can focus fully on the process.


MISTAKE #3 – Disregarding your intuition

When cleansing your aura, intuition is an invaluable tool. Just as we use our gut instincts to sense danger in everyday life, we can use this intuition to sense what areas of our body need the most attention and healing during aura cleansing. Use this tool to help guide where and how you want to cleanse your aura.


Please avoid these mistakes. If you don’t, your auric field will get weak which leads to feeling stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and can even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Wouldn’t you prefer to clear out all of the negative energy that surrounds and imprisons you?


We can help with that! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘Aura Cleansing Meditation’, will help you to focus your mind and body, allow your spirit to clear disruptive levels of stress, and bring in healing energy from the universe!



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Aura Cleansing Meditation

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The Space Clearing Energy Cleanse

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