A Personal Angel Card Reading For You…
A Personal Angel Card Reading Just For You... Are you ready to get a personal message from your angels? Its simple... Look at the 4 cards in the image above Choose from 1, 2, 3 or 4...
11 Signs Your Angels Are Trying To Contact YOU
11 Signs Your Angels Are Trying To Contact YOU We ALL have the ability to connect to the angelic realm. No matter who you are or what faith you choose to follow, the angels are available to you, but you need to know HOW to hear them. In this article we'll cover...
9 Physical Awakening Signs and Symptoms That Indicate You’re Shifting Into A Higher Spiritual Vibration
9 Physical Awakening Signs and Symptoms That Indicate You're Shifting Into A Higher Spiritual Vibration We are at a key juncture in human history. There is a global mass awakening occuring and as a result we're seeing more spontaneous awakenings than ever...
How To Physically Integrate Your 5D Lightbody
How To Physically Integrate Your 5D Light Body The term '5D light body' has become a real buzz word in the field of spirituality over the last few years. We've been encouraged to anticipate the earth shattering moment when our physicality will shift and we'll...
Avoidance: Ascension’s Biggest Threat
A Spiritual Truth BOMB! I’ve got a spiritual truth bomb here for you today, are you ready for it? Ascension without grounding is not ascension, its AVOIDANCE. I know that’s a pretty big statement to make, but it’s ironically an unavoidable and inevitable...
8 Ways Your Awakening Is DANGEROUSLY Ungrounded
26 Signs An Entity Or Spirit Is Attached To You
Entity Attachment: 26 Signs An Entity Or Spirit Is Attached To You (Key Signs & How To Clear It For Good!) Entity attachment, waywards, demons, poltergeists and spirit attachments all sounds pretty scary, right? Well, it CAN seem that way, and there’s...
4 Mistakes I Made When I Activated My Pineal Gland (and how you can avoid them too!)
My pineal gland was activated on an intuitive energy healing course back in 2012. I was having some of the most challenging and difficult years of my life. I was having some of the most challenging and difficult years of my life (working in my family's business in a...
What IS The Pineal Gland (and WHY is it the KEY to your ascension?)
What IS The Pineal Gland? Okay, so lets get technical before we get spiritual (ugh, I hate that bit too, but it will help to explain a few things.) I'll make it as quick and simple as possible. Here we go... The pineal gland is a pea-sized endocrine gland in...