3 Myths About 5d Blocking You From Reaching It!
3 Myths About 5D Blocking You From Reaching It! The 5D gateway (our access to an ascended life experience) is OPEN. Now can be the time when you finally shift into higher vibrations, a more joyful experience, a more connected and guided reality - IF your soul...
3 Epic Un-Awakened Mistakes You’re Making Right Now
3 Epic Un-Awakened Mistakes You’re Making Right Now This is the greatest energetic shift we’ve EVER seen (in our lifetime anyway). It can be a fruitful time of internal shifts, insights, activation of spiritual gifts and further progression along the awakening...
The Secret To Accessing Your Spiritual Super Powers!
The Secret To Accessing Your Spiritual Super Powers! I don’t know if you know this, but spiritually speaking, this is an entirely unprecedented time for those of us going through the ascension process. Global shifts like this don’t happen often, and rarely...
How I Fully Activated My Light Worker Gifts & Abilities (WITHOUT hours of meditation!)
How I Fully Activated My Light Worker Gifts & Abilities (WITHOUT hours of meditation!) Today I’d like to share with you how I got here. Its not as glamorous or as perfect as you’d think. In fact, I spent YEARS of my life struggling to align with the...
3 Reasons Why Your Awakening Is STUCK Right Now
3 Reasons Why Your Awakening Is STUCK Right Now If there is one thing that truly concerns me when it comes to awakening, its bad advice. It’s everywhere, and when I see it, I feel compelled to share what I know in the hopes that I can save one more person from...
The BIGGEST Spiritual Breakthrough I’ve EVER made! (and how YOU can have one too!)
The BIGGEST Spiritual Breakthrough I’ve EVER made! (and how YOU can have one too!) I want to tell you a little bit today about my spiritual breakthrough. To be totally honest, when my awakening began, I suddenly felt completely emotionally overwhelmed,...
3 Steps To Access Your Soul’s Higher Strength & Wisdom Right Now!
3 Steps To Access Your Soul’s Higher Strength & Wisdom Right Now! There has never been a more important time for light workers to step into their true strength and power. And I mean YOU. You might already know this. Perhaps you’ve felt it too. My Spirit...
Spiritual Guidance & Resources To Support You During The Current Health Scare
Spiritual Guidance & Resources To Support You During The Current Health Scare I know everyone in our spiritual community is feeling anxious and fearful about the current health scare that’s going on right now, and I'm just checking in to let you know,...
The 5 Most Common Blocks To Love (& How To Dissolve Them)
The 5 Most Common Blocks To Real Love (& How To Dissolve Them) Feeling deeply connected to Universal Unconditional Love is one of the awakening journeys greatest gifts. There are many accounts of enlightened gurus who have experienced a level of...