
How I Recovered From Spiritual Awakening – And YOU Can Too!

How I Recovered From Spiritual Awakening – And YOU Can Too!

How I Recovered From Spiritual Awakening - And YOU Can Too!   Let’s talk about spiritual awakening. Everyone seems to think that it's easy - that it just happens in the blink of an eye and suddenly you are using your spiritual gifts, you're aligned with your life...

Avoid These BIG Mistakes In Your Spiritual Awakening!

Avoid These BIG Mistakes In Your Spiritual Awakening!

Avoid These BIG Mistakes In Your Spiritual Awakening!   Your genetic wounds have been ACTIVATED (and they are set to create a bit of havoc in our life and awakening if we don't do something about it!) Now can be the time when you can clear HUGE levels of your...

How Genetic Healing Can De-Stress Your Life!

How Genetic Healing Can De-Stress Your Life!

How Genetic Healing Can De-Stress Your Life!   Today, I want to let you in on a little known fact about the troubles you're experiencing in your spiritual awakening... MOST OF YOUR PROBLEMS AREN'T YOURS... I'm serious. Awakening (and this current shift into the...

6 Signs You’re LIVING In Negative Energy & Lower Vibrations

6 Signs You’re LIVING In Negative Energy & Lower Vibrations

6 Signs You’re LIVING In Negative Energy & Lower Vibrations   You know, I wasn’t always a space clearing advocate. In fact, I never used to do any space clearing, AT ALL. (An intuitive healer that DOESN’T do energy clearing?! Oh the shame!) It's such an...

Space Clearing Mistakes Keeping You STUCK In Negativity

Space Clearing Mistakes Keeping You STUCK In Negativity

Space Clearing Mistakes Keeping You STUCK In Negativity   The purge (our global cleansing of negative energy) is HERE. It offers us an opportunity to shift up an energetic level into a higher, happier and more positive vibration – IF we release these negative...

How I Reached 5d Consciousness – And YOU Can Too!

How I Reached 5d Consciousness – And YOU Can Too!

How I Reached 5d Consciousness - And YOU Can Too!   Let’s talk about 5d. It's a higher state of consciousness - not a place, but a higher vibrational living experience. You’ve most likely already had moments of it throughout your awakening journey - you know...

2 Steps To 5d Ascended Reality!

2 Steps To 5d Ascended Reality!

2 Steps To 5D Ascended Reality!   I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the 5D gateway is officially OPEN. There has NEVER been a time like this where we could escape the low vibrations of 3d living (fear, separation, challenges, struggle) and step into a higher...


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