Last Updated on December 17, 2024 by Kelly Ashley

7 Dark Night Of The Soul Symptoms (is this happening to YOU?)


A dark night of the soul is the spiritual initiation (and journey of transformation) that you’ve been waiting for!

It can be incredibly difficult, but it can also be the time when you can find the light again (or for the first time ever) – IF you know how to harness the power of the process (don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass). We’ve been able to help so many people already, we’d love to help you too!

If you don’t support your energies as you move through a dark night of the soul, its guaranteed tol make the transition much more of a distressing struggle – plus it will take longer to break free of too.

Sometimes, when you’re in the eye of the storm of a dark night of the soul, you can be so overwhelmed by the intensity of the process that you’re not quite sure what is happening to you. To make it easy to know for sure, we’ve created a list of the most common dark night of the soul symptoms (even just 1 of these signs could indicate that it’s happening to you). Take a look and see if any of the following resonate with your own current (or past) experience…


7 Dark Night Of The Soul Symptoms

  • Nothing makes sense anymore; many of the beliefs you had about yourself, the world and others are crumbling
  • Things aren’t what they used to be e.g your family dynamic has changed, people you always relied upon are gone, the things that used to comfort you just don’t work anymore, the structure of your life has collapsed
  • A deep sense of hopeless and meaningless: the things that used to give your life a sense of meaning just don’t seem important anymore
  • You desperately want to break free of mindless social conventions, obligations and the pressure of other people’s expectations
  • You feel completely disconnected from Source (or are doubting the Divine exists at all)
  • Large scale depression, sadness or despair for humanity and the world as a whole


Phew, that’s pretty rough, but don’t fret – we can help with that! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Dark Night Of The Soul Illumination’, will help you to comfort your spirit, replenish your soul and find purpose and meaning in life!

You can check it out here.


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