10 Things You Need To Know About The Spiritual Awakening PurgeĀ 

The spiritual awakening purge (or dark night of the soul as its often called) is one of the most challenging aspects of awakening in its entirety. There is nothing harder than delving into your pain, heartbreak or trauma and given the choice, most of us would much rather not face it. Awakening creates the conditions to which we simply cannot deny or ignore it. It surges these emotional storms to the surface so powerfully that we couldn’t avoid them if we tried. And that’s a good thing. Its a fail safe designed by the Universe to ensure that you’ll get where you’re meant to go – even when your human body refuses. It can be painful and upsetting, but rest assured that you WILL move through it, and that once the pain is recognized and released it will not hurt you any more. It will clear, and so will your energy so that your soul becomes purer and more in touch with the truth of who you really are – crystalline in nature!


What To Expect During A Spiritual Awakening Purge/ Dark Night Of The Soul

Throughout the toughest early years of my awakening, I sought a lot of guidance about awakening on the internet. I wanted to know what to expect, and what was normal, without any of the rainbows and butterflies shielding the truth. I knew it would ultimately be a very powerful and transformative journey, but I needed to know what I could tangibly expect and how to move through it when it would occur. So today, I’m going to let you in on 10 things you need to know about the spiritual awakening purge. Heads up, its going to get pretty real here, but we’re going to move through it together and what I can promise you is that no matter where you’re at right now, or how broken you feel, you WILL move through it and you will find the rainbows and butterflies on the other side, but lets take a look at what you can expect so that you’re a little better prepared.

Before we delve into that, if you’re struggling with feeling you have a broken psyche, have damage of the mind or are struggling with shadow aspects of self and need some support and healing, this months energy healing is now available which specifically addresses all of the issues in this article. I’ll link to at the bottom of this article but more on that in a minute.


10 Things You Need To Know About The Spiritual Awakening PurgeĀ 

  • Any shadow parts of yourself (parts that you’re not willing to acknowledge, look at or accept) will become known to you.
  • You will experience a wide variety of upsetting emotions, feelings and thoughts as the soul attempts to clear itself out.
  • The darkness you sense may feel inescapable (but only until you illuminate and accept it, then everything can start to get better).
  • Your subconscious will try to avoid, hide and run away from the pain of what is coming up and may use old crutches such as food, alcohol and other unhealthy patterns of coping.
  • You will cry… a LOT. Its entirely natural. Its normal, and its a good way to release these emotions and energies from your physical body. Crying can release a lot of stress from the nervous system, so let it flow where possible.
  • Veils and denial will lift. Any areas where you have not been seeing full truth, and any situations where your subconscious has chosen to alter your perceptions unhealthily will dissipate, leaving only truth (which will sting initially, but don’t worry, the truth really will set you free, and once you’re done crying about it and can really accept it, everything can start to get better).
  • Previously unremembered experiences or things that your subconscious has blocked out in order to protect you may rise to the surface to be acknowledged, healed and released.
  • You’ll find out that you’re stronger than you think. Nothing proves strength like coming through your own shadow (and you will, whether you believe that you can or not.)
  • Everything will be ok. Really, the purge is just a purge (although it can feel incredibly painful when it comes up). It will pass, and it can be released and you will heal. You just need to let it flow and everything will start to get better.
  • You absolutely will ascend higher and move further forward in your life as a result of this experience.


You Are Human

Yeugh. I know how awful that sounds, and I also know how hard it can be to accept. None of us (especially those of us on the awakening pathway) want to admit that we are human because not only does it bring with it attributes that we’d rather never identify with, but it means that we need to accept the fact that we are stuck down here in the human body in a soup of humanity that seems to have no humanity at all, and we just can’t handle that.

Realizing you are human and accepting that helps to transcend the shadow self. Realize that no matter what guru you have followed, or what master you have studied, if they were down here, they. were. human. Just like you and me, they had the same wants, desires and challenges of the human experience. The only difference is that they were able to align themselves with the higher aspects enough that their divinity shone THROUGH the meat suit. It didn’t matter that they were human, because we could see their true self anyway, and THATS where we’re all trying to get to.


Treat Yourself With Kindness

And there’s no use beating yourself up for being a hot mess, getting emotional, being unable to cope or feeling broken beyond repair. These are unavoidable parts of being human and certainly obligatory parts of spiritual awakening. All of the most wonderful masters before us came through these same challenges, and they were every bit as messed up as we might feel.

Did you know that Mother Theresa wrestled with darkness for DECADES throughout her own awakening journey. She felt completely disconnected from God and suffered deep despair as a result of that seeming absence before healing her darkness, becoming free of it and being able to fulfill her life purpose.

The truth is that it takes us transcending the 3D to fully become 5D, and that comes not by denying that we are human, or hiding from the human experience, but it comes from FACING the human experience. Moving THROUGH the challenges that we are faced with. That is the only pathway to illumination, and its not an easy one. Your awakening is a human spiritual experience – its is both darkness AND light.


Its OK To Be Human

There is a sacredness to being human that causes us to come back, lifetime after lifetime. The learning is unparalleled with anything else in the Universe and it seems, we keep returning for the treasure and wisdom that being human brings. Don’t hide from that. Embrace it. Look at it.Ā Move through it. Becoming your spiritual self wont happen by rejecting the human part of you, but by accepting that it is a part of the whole, and no matter how highly heavenly you might float, if you haven’t dealt with the human baggage of this life then you’ll be just too heavy to stay up there. Get it released so that you can resonate higher, and maintain it. Heal yourself so that being here in the physical world is a blessing and not a curse. See the value in your human presence here and know that it will allow you to fulfill all that you hoped before you came down here and know that this process is just laying the foundations for wonderful things and your most authentic higher self.


The Purge Is A Sacred, Transformational Experience

Although this may sound scary, and although it may be upsetting, there is incredible POWER that results from this experience. Turning and facing those dark parts of ourselves and of life that we are afraid to look at is the key to releasing the darkness. Lifting the veils that have protected you can be frightening, but it really does illuminate your body, life and soul and sets you free from binds. The purge is a powerful touch of the divine (although it sure doesn’t feel like it at the time). Lets take a look at some of the transformational results of a spiritual awakening purge.


Results Of A Spiritual Awakening Purge

  • Eventual full conscious acceptance of your entire self – meaning that you feel at peace with yourself, you love yourself and you feel complete, healthy and whole within.
  • Forgiveness floods the system and enables you to be more compassionate and accepting to others.
  • You will see with full truth – ultimate clarity free from illusion.
  • You will be freed of pain and darkness indefinitely.
  • Finally being able to be your full authentic and divine self THROUGH the human medium and expressing it fully.


Its important to note that these purges may happen a few times throughout your awakening journey until you are at a point where your energy and soul is clear enough to fulfill your life purpose free from darkness and painful old baggage. Don’t fret though. You do need some compassionate loving support while this is going on, so you’ll need to take extra care of yourself at this time. Be gentle and take care of yourself as best you can, and use our FB group for support.


Need Help And Support?

This month I was granted an energy healing instead of the usual meditation from my Guides. It is a powerful energy healing session specifically created to heal the broken psyche, repair any damage of the mind and illuminate your shadow self. If you’re feeling particularly broken it should be a real comfort for you.

Check it out here and see if it resonates with you…

But remember, its only available for 3Ā more days!